I am learning how important it is to set a good example. I have my good days and my bad ones. We ALL do! Being the MOM is not easy... It's really hard sometimes. I find myself acting in ways that are not at all the way I teach my kids to act. Actions speak louder than words, It is so true! I have actually had some great days lately but I am seeing some of my behaviors coming out in Jacob. He's having a hard time controlling himself at school. He is reacting to others behavior and is emotional at home when things don't happen just the way he wants. He's feeling out of control, hurt, frustrated and angry.
I love him but I find it difficult to love his behavior when he's "loosin' it!" Steve often tells me how much Jacob is like me. I am so sad to say that he gets this from me too... Life throws us curve balls. People don't always act the way we would like them too. (Especially our children) How are we going to let this affect us? Will we react and make a bad choice or will we keep room in our heart always, no matter the situation to Act with LOVE?!!!
John 13:34
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye alove one another; as I have loved you, that ye also blove one another.
This is one of my favorite scriptures. I pray often for this kind of love... the love the our savior has for us. In fact tonight I prayed for it while my children (all 3 of them crying) were complaining and throwing fits over dinner, not being able to play (even though he'd just played with a friend for an hour), everything being too hard, not fair, and the negativity went on and on.
I did it!!! I didn't let their reactions and negative complaining pull me in and React in frustration from all the energy draining that was occurring. I simply slowed down and filled my negative thoughts with something positive. I did not allow the behavior to continue around ME they could go to their rooms until they were ready to act loving. It worked... they didn't even have to go to their room. Kind words began to fill the dinner table and the food I cooked was eaten without further complaints. The kids went to bed with happiness in our home and love in their hearts... Yes!!! My goal for the day was accomplished and I am gearing up to start again tomorrow, and the next day, and...
I read this in my scripture power for the day, I hope it can enlighten you the way it has for me.
"Thinking negatively does not require any effort; maintaining a believing fame of mind, however, requires an exerted effort over a sustained period of time. "
I'm reading Drawing on the powers of heaven by Grant Von Harrison this was from his book.
D&C 6:36, Mormon 9:27
I challenge you to read these scriptures and then try throughout the day to replace any negative feeling/thought with something positive!
"...doubt and faith do not exist in the same person at the same time..." Joseph Smith, lectures on faith.
Day 13 - Ask for a Favor
12 years ago
Thanks for the scripture power references this morning. It is amazing to me how often I keep trying to do this life thing alone. Thanks for the scripture reminders to ask Heavenly Father for whatever I need.
Mandy I would like to tell you that you are one of those people that really uplift those around you. Thank you for sharing!
What a challenging thing this has been for me too. The "great things" in life often feel that way. I love how you changed your attitude and attracted happiness around you. I believe in the law of attraction = faith. When we have faith that things will turn out a certain way they often do. Thanks for sharing - I really like seeing your thoughts in your posts. You are a special example to me. Love you.
mandy mandy mandy...it's time for another Utah trip. Come on soon!! Can't wait to see you guys.
wow..you have more patience than I do..Share some with me, will you?
Oh dear Mandy! What a tremendous influence and example you are to me. I'm literally in tears as I read this post. When I heard you were moving I seriously thought what in the world am I going to do when you are gone? Hahaha, thank you so much for this post. I think it wasn't coincidence that I came upon it. Honestly thanks to you, my way of communicating with Cassie has improved so much! Thank you, thank you for lending your ear when I come over. If i'm having a bad day, I know if I just visit your home, my day will be uplifted! :)
Thank you!
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